Basic Life Support, CPR, and Advanced Life Support
Often referred to with the acronym BLS, basic life support is unique form CPR and advanced life support. BLS is the care level a patient is provided when in an emergency situation. This type of care typically includes learning objectives beyond the aim of CPR classes. Examples include bleeding control, the administration of oxygen, and splinting. Advanced life support involves more invasive and complex measures, like breathing tube administration, intravenous medications, and the monitoring of cardiac activity.
When one refers to a CPR class as BLS, it is an indication the class is meant for professional rescuers such as nurses, paramedics, and lifeguards. A CPR certification is useful for everyone from professional rescuers to laymen. The guiding force behind most CPR classes is the American Heart Association. Medical courses are centered on this group’s curriculum. Three primary BLS support level classes are available: BLS for Healthcare Providers, HeartCode BLS and BLS for Pre-hospital Providers. HeartCode BLS simulates a healthcare environment so students can refine and test their abilities to make decisions under pressure. The group’s additional programs for professional rescuers are based on the same core curriculum as HeartCode BLS but modified for the responsibilities of hospital healthcare providers and those who work in pre-hospital settings.
Elite Medical Academy provides four-hour Basic Life Support and CPR medical courses. These medical courses arm medical professionals and aspiring healthcare workers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to resuscitate others in the most effective manner possible. The techniques taught in our medical courses are proven to work by the American Heart Association. Obtain Basic Life Support and CPR certification through our medical courses and it will prove valid across the next two years.
This four-hour Basic Life Support and CPR course is designed for Medical Professionals to provide the most effective resuscitation techniques proven by the American Heart Association. This certification is good for 2 years.
American Heart Provider CPR/BLS